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We need volunteers

The Mosque Project require volunteers to help us develop and fully establish this new charitable organisation which is determined to be as Allah "Subhanahu wa ta'ala" intended, to help our global Islamic Ummah.

I have deliberately NOT put on the job adverts a location as I want to attract people from our global family.

The internet was designed to help the global humanity be in contact with each other, share ideas and education. This means, as long as you have a computer and an internet connection, we want you working and volunteering with us. 

How can I volunteer with The Mosque Project? 

The Mosque Project is a newly formed charitable organisation, so we welcome everyone who can help build something special that helps our Islamic community globally and of course locally.

It doesn't matter whether you can only help 2 hours a week or have plenty of spare time to help as many hours as you like, everyone is beneficial to our cause.

To apply, simply contact me and we can have an informal chat or if you reside in Derby, we can have an informal meet and discuss how you can help The Mosque Project.

Video Content Creator

The Mosque Project require a video content Creator for video content on our website and social media such as TikTok and YouTube. You will be familiar with video content and how to properly present yourself for video content as seen on TikTok.
The modern world especially for social media and websites are now moving towards video content rather than endless written material.
We require someone who can get our message and content across using video vlogging and content creation.

Social Media Manager

The Mosque Project is a new concept and organisation, so we require an enthusiastic and energetic person who wants to grow as both a person and with their career.


Creating and managing social media on behalf of the organisation

Keeping the social media feeds up-to-date and full of attractive content.

Help social media platforms generate donations and interest.

Funding Manager

As a funding manager for a newly created organisation that intends to fund and build mosques abroad in some of the most remote areas of the world, you will be required to not only set-up accounts but also organise funding from donations to support our colleagues on the ground.

Advertising Manager

As the advertising manager for this new organisation, you have a pivotal role in our advertising and getting the word out there for people to recognise and know who we are. You will obviously work on a very strict budget, so you will have experience in advertising on a low budget.

We are ALL one Muslim Ummah! Please remember that!

© 2024 The Mosque Project

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